Tuesday, September 22, 2009

* Dollar verus Euro

On Sean Hannity's syndicated radio show today, he mentioned that "since President Obama's Presidency, the world has moved AWAY from the U.S. dollar as the world currency!" Horrors! Where in the world has Mr Hannity been the past couple of years?.... under a rock? The U.S. dollar's dominance has been eroding SINCE 1999, by the EURO. 

Remember when Saddam Hussein switched his oil revenue money from the U.S. dollar to the euro in Nov 2000, and then all of a sudden he became an "enemy" of the U.S.? NO WORRIES! As soon as the U.S. invaded Iraq, the oil revenue money was switched BACK to the U.S. dollar. Syria switched it's oil revenue money from the dollar to the euro in 2006..then Syria was branded an "evil" country. Not long afterwards, IRAN not only switched it's oil revenue money from the dollar, it also opened it's very own oil bourse. Seems another OPEC member, Venezuela's Chavez, not only supports Iran's actions, but wants to gain independence from the U.S. dollar too. 

You can always point out your enemies, when THEY don't follow YOUR rules and support your "interests"! 
As always, follow the MONEY.....

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