Thursday, April 1, 2010

*Smear a journalist?

             (Ahmad Masood/Reuters) The report into the deaths has provoked demonstrations

Q: Why would U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan go out of their way to smear a journalist?
A: Because he told the truth about a night raid that killed Afghan civilians, including pregnant women.

Afghanistan based journalist for the TimesOnLine (UK), Jerome Starkey, reported on the special forces raids that killed civilians in Dec 2009. See the video of NATO's disappointing response to Starkey' report and NATO'S attempt to smear this reporter: 
Rethink Afghanistan war

"American-led troops were accused yesterday of dragging innocent children from their beds and shooting them during a night raid that left ten people dead."
"Afghan government investigators said that eight schoolchildren were killed, all but one of them from the same family. Locals said that some victims were handcuffed before being killed."
Read Jerome Starkey's report that upset NATO:  Western troops accused of executing 10 Afghan civilians, including children  TimesOnLine (Dec 31, 2009) 

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