Tuesday, January 12, 2010

* Murdoch hates "Fair use"?

             Photo: Murdoch targets Google over google News, lawsuit to follow? 

News Corporation (News Corp) is a news and entertainment conglomerate, founded, owned and run by CEO Rupert Murdoch. Mr Murdock has a web presence for his conglomerate, but it seems he's not too happy about the "fair use" policy. "Fair use" is a doctrine in the US copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material. It allows for this material to be used without requiring permission from the rights holders it you use that material for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship.

A few months ago Rupert Murdoch called those running the web as "plagiarists and parasites." He threaten to remove all of his content from Internet search engines. He wasn't bluffing. The Times Online will begin blocking NewsNow.co.uk, an aggregator news search engine. Murdoch will be blocking links to HIS news sites? Those links were how people ARRIVED at his news sites.

"Whether this will be the first domino in a line of things to come remains to be seen — Google News is, of course, far more noteworthy than a “homegrown” UK aggregator — but it is certainly a move in the direction previously threatened by Murdoch and his companies. But if it does happen, expect a far larger outcry when Murdoch and crew start blocking sites that steer the internet conversation."

Read the entire article at: 
Rupert Murdock begins blocking news aggregators, search engines

My thoughts: Rupert Murdock played a BIG part with his publishing of outdated, fake, unproven, plagiarized so-called "evidence" in order to manipulate the majority of Americans to support the Bush Administration's illegal Iraq war which was built on obvious lies.... LIES Murdock helped spread as "truth." Obvious lies that neither his news sources, reporters, nor the majority of Americans questioned for fear of being called "unpatriotic." Nevertheless, Murdock's news media is very popular in the US...especially FOX "fair and balanced" News. 

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