Monday, February 8, 2010

*Tea party DEAD??

                            "Tea Party" at:
"The tea party movement is dead. The one I was familiar with anyway. Judson Phillips held it down and Sarah Palin drove a stake right through its heart live last night on C-Span in front of an unsuspecting audience."
"Sarah Palin didn’t give a tea party speech last night. She gave a partisan Republican address. It was a purely political speech designed to position her for a presidential run in 2012 or 2016. Period. She wasn’t there to celebrate the organic nature of a movement she had nothing to do with creating. She was there to co-opt the name and claim the brand as hers. And she did."
Read the entire article by Kleinheider of the Nashville Post at: Beginning of the end: Sarah Palin hijacks the tea party movement - (Feb 7, 2010)
My thoughts: In her speech Sarah Palin mentioned that Obama's proposed 2011 budget is "immoral" because it increases the national debt. News flash to Sarah and Tea Partiers.. Don't even start to PRETEND to be concerned NOW with the national debt!  Where were you during the previous administrations? During the past 9 years?....Thought you were being  "patriotic" by HIDING in the dark underneath your flags and REFUSING to question anything  by the previous Administration? How were you planning to PAY for your endless  "holy and noble" wars? U.S. national debt graph: Since Great Depression
In her speech, Sarah mentioned Ronald Reagan three times. The Tea Partiers LOVE Ronald Reagan. Like Reagan, they say that they too are for smaller government. But Ronald Reagan's actions as President didn't show he was FOR smaller government. Ronald Reagan not only built UP the government and the Pentagon, he ran UP huge deficits. 
After the speech, Sarah Palin remarked that the President Obama could win re-election if he played the "war card." These were words coming from a woman who didn't realized there was a Korean war? Neither did she understand the real reason why her son and his fellow troops were being sent to Iraq to kill and be killed in a war built on lies. And now she wants more WAR? War with Iran? A war to protect our "interests"? A war for Israel? She, as well as the rest of the waraholics would more than likely say they want war to protect our.... "freedoms." Remember the Iraqis ("collateral damage") killed for freedom.. freed them of their lives? Remember the Iraqis who were killed by million dollar "smart bombs" because waraholics thought they were coming over in blimps to America to blow up our freedoms? (how silly)  ANYONE whom to this day would STILL believe these wars have ANYTHING to do with protecting "freedoms" is completely naive.   
On the night of her speech to the Tea Party convention, Sarah Palin wore on her lapel, a small pin with two flags.. for Israel and the US. Would this  mean she regards the US and Israel as EQUALS? It's well known that she is a Zionist Christian who supports the ILLEGAL israeli settlements on Palestinian lands. These Christian waraholics have fallen for the words from extremist Christian Zionists, like John Hagee and others who tout as biblical many false concepts. These false concepts have in turn played a big part in American political thinking in regards to the Middle East. 
Of course there are numerous elected officals who are in the dark, who lie, and who abuse their power, but Sarah Palin's remarks continue to give the comedians inspiration for their jokes...."I bet'cha..  wink, wink." 

Review of my Thurs Nov 9 post: "Sarah turns Iran into Iraq."

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