Wednesday, February 17, 2010

*Waraholic fear mongering

                  Iranian children - who may be caught up in the cross fires of war 

Waraholics and the MSM continue to issue out more and more fear mongering over Iran. 

On Tuesday White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said: "I wouldn't rule out any options, including the military option, for dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions."

He said Iran's rejection of every attempt by the Obama administration for diplomatic engagement is proof that its nuclear program is "not of the means and type that they have tried to convince others that's it's for."

Gibbs accused Iran of repeatedly refusing administration offers of diplomatic negotiations, declaring this was proof that the Iranian nuclear program is not for civilian purposes.

In fact, Iran and the United States did take part in diplomatic negotiations in October, resulting in the draft enrichment deal. Iran also offered additional talks in November and December related to the deal, but were rebuffed and condemned by officials for the proposed talks.

Far from refusing to make agreements with the West related to its nuclear program, Iran actually accepted the draft enrichment deal earlier this month, as repeatedly demanded by the Obama Administration. The acceptance too was roundly condemned by Western officials, though mysteriously many have continued to demand that Iran accept the deal for weeks since the acceptance was already made. Read the entire article at: White House won't rule out attacking Iran - (Feb 16, 2010)

Iran wants to be able to enrich uranium to 20%. During the celebration of the 32st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Ahmadinejah announced that the first consignment of 20 percent enriched uranium was produced and was put at the disposal of the scientists. 

Iran decided to produce nuclear fuel to a level of 20 percent after the West and the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency failed to provide 20 percent enriched fuel to run Tehran’s research reactor that produces medical isotopes.

About 850,000 patients in Iran are in need of medical isotopes.

Iran began the process of enriching uranium to the needed level at the Natanz enrichment facility on Tuesday in the presence of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Ahmadinejad insisted that Iran had no intention of building nuclear weapons.

As a signatory to the NPT, Iran has right to enrich uranium for civilian purposes. 

Read the entire article at: Ahmadinejad: first package of uranium enriched to 20% made - (Feb 10, 2010)

My thoughts: The fact that Iran can enrich uranium to 20% is not a threat. This level is necessary to produce medical isotopes. To produce nuclear WMD, it would be necessary to enrich uranium at 95%. The UN inspectors are always welcome to enter the country and keep the level of enrichment under their watchful eyes. Let them do their jobs.

Iran is a signatory of the non-proliferation agreement (unlike Israel). So far there is no proof that Iran has built or intends to build a nuclear WMD.

The lust for war in Iran may have NOTHING to do with these nuclear plants. The US is angry with Iran for switching it's oil revenue money from the US dollar to the EURO and for building it's own oil bourse. It's also angry over Iran's pipeline ("Peace Pipeline") being built through Iran into Pakistan which will be an economic threat to the profits from the American backed Trans-Aghan Pipeline now being built through Afghanistan.

Coalition, NATO and American troops are in Afghanistan serving as security guards for the Trans-Aghan Pipeline... a pipeline owned by whom? Who exactly will gain ($$$) from this pipeline? Certainly not the troops sent there to kill and be killed.. thinking they're there to "protect freedom and democracy."

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