Monday, February 15, 2010

*Word out of Afghanistan

                                 Taliban in Afghanistan
Word has been pouring out of Afghanistan.  Every move America makes is hitting blogs around the world through a network of Afghani ex-patriots who are in continual communication.  The word is out:  Our “invasion” that combined Afghani forces with American and British has not gone after Taliban strongholds at all but rather attacked areas controlled by Karzai opponents who were ready to negotiate a legitimate government.
To the people of Afghanistan, the Karzai government was put in place out of utter idiocy in the first place, a failure of the Bush administration to understand that Afghanistan was not going to be ruled by brutal warlords from the “Northern Alliance” who are the ethnic enemies of the majority of the population of Afghanistan.  Placing weakling Mohammed Karzai in as president and supporting him thru a rigged election has only made things worse. 
American, Britain and the “Afghani Army” simply aren’t very good at many things, Afghanistan has proven this.  We don’t seem to be able to tell a poppy plant from wheat, we can’t find Osama bin Laden, dead or alive, and we don’t know the Taliban from our own “butt-crack.”  Reports on operations are clear.  We are managing to frighten, brutalize and anger hundreds of thousands of people who have nothing to do with the Taliban, not before anyway.
Now, “they” are rethinking this.  This is the message being received around the world.
Tribal leaders are saying:
We have millions of young men coming of age, America doesn’t realize this.  Each one will become a fighter with one purpose in life, to free their country and drive out foreign invaders.  Each child you see will be a trained soldier with a Kalashnikov.  We will fight for a century if we have to.  Ask Britain, ask Russia, they know.
Why did America have to come here, join with criminal elements, brutal drug lords, mass murderers, people whose only history is brutality toward their own, why was America so stupid as to think we would respect them when they and their stooges rain bombs down on our children?
Read the entire article at: Gordon Duff: Afghan leaders call surge, "imbecilic and tragic" - (Feb 14, 2010)

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