Monday, November 30, 2009

* Military Tribunals

                       Guantanamo Prison Photo: AP

Right after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President GW Bush asked for and received from Congress an authorization for the use of military force. This authorization was open-ended. It gave Bush and later US Presidents the authority to pursue anyone they "THINK" are involved in acts of terrorism against the US. 

What many Americans are not aware of, is that the US Congress did NOT give an authoritzation for WAR in Afghanistan. Without a formal authorization for a WAR, and under the US Constitution, a military tribunal for those being held in the Guantanamo prison for their alleged part in 9/11, would be unlawful. It would be necessary to try them in a criminal court.

The case against military tribunals

Sunday, November 29, 2009

* Future attack?

                         Iran's Bushehr Nuclear plant Photo: PanOramio

Iran's Bushehr Nuclear plant should be working at full capacity by the end of March 2010. That means we should expect some "action" between now and March. The American MSM, in the days ahead, will be reporting more and more propaganda and "false flag attacks" to demonize Iran further than what it already is in the eyes of Americans. Don't be surprised. It's exactly what happened to the run up to the Iraq war. 

Don't expect to read anything about the Iranian gas or oil wells. Don't expect to hear anything about the Iranian pipeline running from Iran to Pakistan. Don't expect to hear anything about Iran's switching of it's oil revenue money from the US dollar to the Euro or it's creation of it's very own oil bourse. But do expect to hear more about "protecting freedom and democracy." That usually works well to get Americans support for a war or for a bombing strike. 

An Iranian bomb strike will most likely be carried out by Israel..a non signatory of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Israel has already threaten Iran. Iran IS a signatory of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. 

Joe Biden, Vice President of the US, in an ABC interview last July, has said that he "would refuse to condemn a potential Israeli strike". "We cannot dictate to a sovereign nation what it can and cannot do," Mr. Biden said. He added: "Israel has the right to to determine what is in its best interests."

The Times of London reported that at one point, Israel's secret plans to destroy Iranian uranium-enrichment facilities at Natanz included low-yield nuclear "bunker-buster" bombs - the first use of nuclear weapons since WWII. (1) It's a "let's use or nukes before you use your nukes waraholic mentality".

(1) Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran. (Jan 7, 2007)

* No exit strategy?

                             Sen Jon Kyl (R-AZ) Photo: Wikimedia

On a recent interview with FOX news, Sen Jon Kyl, the second most powerful Republican in the Senate, said an exit strategy in Afghanistan is "exactly the wrong way to go. All this talk about exit strategy is DANGEROUS."

Jon Kyl.. Jon Kyl... Jon Kyl... Isn't he the one, along with Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss, who met on the morning of 9/11 with General Mahud Ahmad in DC? At that time Ahmad was the head of the Pakistan Secret Service (ISI). Days before 9/11, General Ahmad had wired $100,000 to the WTC hijacker Mohammad Atta. From around the 1997/1998 time period, General Mahud Ahmad was also said to have been involved with the planning of a war against the Taliban.

Interestingly, Graham and Goss were co-chairs of the Joint Intelligence Committ investigating the 9/11 attacks. Why did these men decide NOT to mention in their 858 pg report that the ISI had a connection with 9/11?

Sen Jon Kyl...since you were present at that meeting... tell us NOW what you know about that connection and tell us why you want to STAY in Afghanistan with NO exit plan? Your opinion that an exit strategy is DANGEROUS, only shows YOU want to STAY in Afghanistan... WHY? Your talk only proves you KNOW this war is all about PROFIT $$$. 
By the way, how's the Trans-Afghan-Pipeline coming along? 

Kyl: Afghanistan exit strategy "The wrong way to go"

A timeline of oil and violence - Afghanistan

* Not enough carrots

                              Photo: I love rewards

Two days after the UN Security Council warned Iran to halt work on an enrichment plant, Iran announced today that they plan to  build 10 new uranium enrichment plants. While American's eyes are directed towards Iran's NUKE plants, Iran has been busy building it's pipeline. 

Iran is hoping that their pipeline (IPI) would run from Iran, through Pakistan and into India. Of course the US was not happy with these plans. The gas flow would by pass Afghanistan and would be in competition to the US backed Trans-Afghan-Pipeline. Thus the reason why the US was fiercely opposed to this pipeline and the reason why in 2005, during the Bush Administration, the US offered India a carrot and a stick. It offered India large size nuclear plants to help with it's large energy needs.

But now is seems India has again expressed an interest in the IPI pipeline. Seems the recent White House party for India's Prime minister and his wife served more sticks and not enough  carrots.   

Iran defies UN

Iran, India to launch new round of energy talks

The REAL reason the US wants to attack Iran.. Iran -Pakistan-India pipeline

Saturday, November 28, 2009

* Afghanistan TRAP

The former Soviet Union fell in the trap. Now it's America's turn. In this video you see Markos Moulitsas, of the "Daily Kos," talk how we should avoid the Afghanistan trap.

Moulitsas: "I hate the Afghanistan Taliban because they’re anti-woman, they’re anti-gay, they’re anti- progress, science. It’s the exact same reason I really hate the Michele Bachmanns of the American Taliban. So, there’s no love lost for those people. But the fact is that, you know, we have priorities here at home. And there is no real strategy that we’ve seen yet that would indicate that this expense in blood and treasure would lead us to hopefully any kind of what you’d call victory in Afghanistan." 

* Hidden cost of war

Remember when Donald Rumsfeld said the "war in Iraq would cost about $60 BILLION? Five yrs later after he said that, in 2008, we find out that the REAL cost of the Iraq war was over 10 TIMES that figure.. $600 BILLION. 

Talking about money, the day BEFORE 9/11, Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon had "misplaced" $2.3 TRILLION. What have we, as Americans, gained from the misuse of our tax money? 
This video breaks down the price tag for a war built on lies. It doesn't address the "missing" $2.3 TRILLON or the TRILLONS $$ missing from the privately owned Federal Reserve. I'll leave THAT to your imagination.

Friday, November 27, 2009

* Message from Taliban

 Mullah Omar. Photo from: Rewards for Justice

Remember one-eyed Taliban "supreme leader," Mullah Omar? Seems Mullah Omar has rejected President Hamid Karzai's recent request for peace talks. But Omar did take time to critique Taliban attacks which kill innocent Afghan people. Referring to the suicide bombings, Omar said: "‘Pay heed to the protection of public and national property during the conduct of military operations, particularly during martyrdom-seeking operations. Focus on the invaders and their lackeys and other important targets."

Omar had a message for the "freedom-loving people of the West." He said: "Every day our youths, old men, women and children are martyred by your bombs and mortars."

So... four days before President Obama's expected announcement to send more troops to Afghanistan, we have the President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, attempt to appease the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar. Perhaps if you offered Omar more money? After all, it worked with the Sunnis in Iraq? 

Mullah Omar rejects peace talks

* One of two choices..

Flag photo from:

If you think you're a good, patriotic American, then YOU have one of two choices:

(1) If you supported the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, then get serious. YOU must want to do your duty and pay for them. Notify your elected officals.. Heck, notify the White House. DEMAND that YOU pay more taxes to pay for your bloody wars. DEMAND that there be a draft. DEMAND that your sons and daughters go off to war to kill and be killed in your "holy, noble", illegal wars that YOU wanted. 

(2) If you protested these wars, then get serious. Contact your elected officals.. Heck, notify the White House and DEMAND that they NOT escalate these wars. DEMAND that they bring the troops home ALIVE.. not in body bags. DEMAND that they tell the American people the TRUTH for a change.. that these wars were NOT to "protect freedom (Oh.. how "patriotic" that sounds..), but to protect America's commercial and monetary "interests." 

Contact the White House:
Contact the Congress:
Contact your Senators:    

Thursday, November 26, 2009

* Jeremy Scahill

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater's secret war in Pakistan

"The office of Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the highest-ranking soldier in the US, tried to intimidate a reporter working on a story about security contractor Blackwater's operations in Pakistan, the reporter claims.
Jeremy Scahill -- whose story alleging secret assassination and bombing campaigns inside Pakistan run by Xe Services, formerly Blackwater, appeared in The Nation on Monday -- said he received a phone call from Adm. Mullen's office the day before the story appeared, informing him that his story "didn't match up with reality."
Speaking to Laura Flanders' GRITtv, Scahill described how he got little cooperation from the government in his investigation -- until he received a phone call from Adm. Mullen's office the day before the article was to be published."
"I didn't call them," Scahill said. "They called me. They wouldn't tell me how they got my number. They wouldn't tell me how they heard about the story. And they told me that my story didn't match up with reality."
Scahill said he interpreted the move as an attempt at intimidation."
Clam: Pentagon tried to "intimidate" journo covering Blackwater

* Thanksgiving

Native American view of Thanksgiving

* EU world's superpower

Part 1: Europe: A fast-track superpower? (25+ mins)

While Americans are bogged down with their illegal wars built on lies, the EU is on the fast track to be the world's superpower. 

"Europe has finally adopted a new treaty to strengthen its union, and chosen a president and foreign minister to speak with one voice for the continent.Twenty-seven countries, with more than 500 million people, a combined economy bigger than the US and almost two million soldiers under arms, the European Union is to all intents and purposes, a superpower.However, Europeans remain divided on central issues. Its cheerleaders, and foremost the dominating Franco German alliance, are celebrating the supranational Union they expect to lead globally, just as its detractors warn of a giant leap toward a federalist Europe that looks to compromise their national sovereignties and weakens their democracies."

Part 2: The world's most powerful club. (25+ mins)

* Voices of reason

Daniel Ellsberg (the man who helped end the Vietnam War when he leaked the PentagonPagers to the New York Times) and Matthew Hoh (the first known US official to resign in protest of the Afghan war discuss Afghanistan.

For more conversations from people who are not normally given a platform by the mainstream media, go to: 
Brave New Conversations

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

* Karzai corruption

This video shows a debate Aljazeera English had concerning whether Karzai has any real authority in Afghanistan. Four more American troops were killed yesterday (Mon) in Afghanistan. That same day President Obama held his last war council meeting. If Obama decides to escalate this war, the troops will continue to kill and be killed for the corrupt  Hamid Karzai, who has been in office since Dec 7, 2004. FIVE years... and all that time Karzai has done absolutely NOTHING to curb corruption in his country? How can we expect a change NOW? This video mentions "bribes" and more money. BILLIONS of dollars have already been mismanaged in Afghanistan. While we wait for Karzai's promised "reform," how many more American and coalition troops will be killed? Will we be asking this same question FIVE yrs from now?

Karzai: "Afghan forces will take control of security within FIVE years."
My note: How convenient.. The Trans-Afghan Pipeline is scheduled to be operational in 2014.. FIVE years from now. 

* Wars not cheap

"America is in the most severe unemployment crisis since - and perhaps including - the Great Depression.

And yet Obama, like Bush, has done virtually nothing to create more jobs. Instead, they both gave trillions to the biggest banks (who are not loaning it out to the little guy) and for waging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Obama is apparently 
escalating - not ending - the wars. And its not cheap.

According to the 
White House, the cost of deploying new soldiers to Afghanistan could be $1 million per soldier. Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says that the Iraq war will cost  $3-5 trillion dollars."

Read the entire article at: 

* US starving children?

                         Somali children. Photo: AP
This is what people all over the world are reading right now.. that the "US is starving children in Somali".
"Forty million pounds of American-donated food is sitting in warehouses in Mombasa, Kenya, but U.S. officials won’t allow aid workers to deliver the food to the Somalis that need it."
"The Americans are blatantly using food as a political weapon." 
"The Americans cannot win in any conventional military sense, so they resort to a war of starvation."
Read the entire article at:

* Abdul Raqeeb

Abdul Raqeeb and his brother were held in Bagram Prison for 2 yrs. Since his release in Aug (and with NO explanation as to why he was detained), Abdul has been speaking out on the harsh abuse he witnessed and endured while in prison. 

He also expresses his views on Obama and the future of Afghanistan:

"Now that Obama has taken over, we have a suggestion for him. We are hoping that Obama would be much better than Bush. This is all the wish we have for him. It does not work when he bombs people's homes and brings troops to Afghanistan. People develop hatred towards troops. If they send more troops, what happened to the ones they had sent us? What happened to them? It seems they are facing a shortage of troops. They died. They came healthy and were taken back in coffins. There should be peace talks instead. This is what we want and are happy to have peace and people return. The Americans to stop bombing. The Americans to get their troops out...instead of bringing tanks and dropping bombs."

* Mass Deception

                           Photo from:
Previous Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, is in hot water. After only two days of hearings concerning the Iraq war, evidence has now been made public that proves Tony Blair led his country into war because of LIES. The same thing could be said about Bush. BOTH Bush and Blair sent young men and women to kill and be kill in a war built on LIES, unproven, outdated,  FAKE, plagiarized so-called "evidence". Both Bush, Blair, and their fellow waraholic buddies  should be put on trial and should pay for their crimes.

Iraq was only fourth on WMD risk list, inquiry hears

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

* "JUST" was really UNJUST

When those of us protested the wars, many so-called "patriotic" Americans pointed out to us the "Just War Theory." They said THEY supported the wars because the "Just War Theory" proved the wars were JUST.... because their elected officals said the wars were JUST...because their spiritual leaders said the wars were JUST. 

But after reading the "Just War Theory," I couldn't understand their justification. Did any of those war supporters actually READ the "Just War Theory"? The "Just War Theory" proved OUR point.. that the wars were actually UNJUST. 

This video seems to blame President Obama... because "it's HIS war now." Seems these Bush lovers who were waraholics are trying to PRETEND to be shocked with the wars NOW. YOU could have prevented it. YOU could have taken time from the goose stepping. YOU could have had the courage to QUESTION Bush's cry for war BEFORE it started! 

* A mistranslation

It's hard to believe that some Americans STILL believe this hoax. Many politicians STILL to this day try to pass off this falsehood in hopes to manipulate Americans to believe a strike against Iran would be justified. 

Remember when Iranian President Ahmadinejad gave a speech in the US and his words were translated as: "wipe Israel off the map"? It was a mistranslation.. a mistranslation... a mistranslation.  

* Obama's Promise

"I will promise you this. If we have not gotten our troops home by the time I'm President, it is the 1st thing I'll do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war."------- Obama's promise while running for President, Oct 27, 2007. 

My note: The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline is not scheduled to be fully operational until 2014. If  President Obama indeed decides to escalate the war, I predict that his reasoning will to have more time to train (at least until 2014) the Afghans for security purposes to "support a democracy". He won't mention the Trans-Afghan Pipeline. Will it be reasonable to expect the trained Afghan forces to secure this pipeline in which they will not have personal profit? If the plan is to end this war, then why the escalation in the building and improvements of American military bases in Afghanistan?

As always.. follow the money.  

* Britain's Iraq war hearing

Britain begins public hearing on country's role in Iraq war - Tues Nov 24, 2009

 LONDON, Nov. 24 (Xinhua) -- A public hearing on Britain's role in the Iraq war opened Tuesday with the chairman of the inquiry commission promising a "fair and frank" investigation.
    John Chilcot, the five-member commission's chair, said the inquiry would not be a "whitewash" and he would not shy away from being critical in the wide-ranging probe.
    "We want to examine the evidence," Chilcot said. "We will approach our task in a way that is thorough, rigorous, fair and frank."
    The commission will question dozens of officials over several months -- including military officials and spy agency chiefs. It will also seek evidence from former White House staff members.
    Among the most prominent witnesses will be former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who will be questioned on whether he secretly backed U.S. President George Bush's plans for an invasion a year before Parliament authorized military involvement in 2003.
    "We will ask them to explain the main decisions and tasks, and their involvement," Chilcot said. "That will give us a clear understanding of how policy developed and was implemented, and what consideration was given to alternative approaches."
Read the rest of the article at: 

* Gaza war crimes

Israeli soldiers admit to war crimes during gaza war

* War toys priority

            Eduardo Loredo Photo from:
You see NO protests among the once a upon a time angry, loud Tea Partiers and we hear no debates among our elected leaders concerning the enormous spending of our tax $$$ for more and more bloody wars and war toys. But this summer we saw the Tea Partiers protest AGAINST health care reform and we continue to hear debates AGAINST health care reform in Congress. "Yea" for war toys.."Nay" for anything that would improve the lives of many.

The international community sees this. They KNOW where America's priorities are... protecting our "interests" with continued wars, more war toys and protecting the wall street money maggots.  

Eduardo Loredo, a 14 yr old boy in Kansas City, Kansas could die any day. He is being denied a heart transplant because he doesn't have health insurance or money to pay for a heart transplant. Money that could be used to save this young man's life will be used instead for a brand new war toy. Oh.. how this must make the Tea Partiers and members of Congress proud.

Teenager in US denied life saving heart transplant

Sunday, November 22, 2009

* Support the Troops

                      Troops photo from:
As of today $934,731,450,000+  has been spent in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
As of today 4,683 US and coalition troops have been killed in Iraq. Of that total, 4,365 were American.
As of today 1,524 US and coalition troops have been killed in Afghanistan. Of that total, 923 were American.

Have YOU had enough of this madness? Time to support the troops. Help bring them home.

Cost of War
Military Families Speak Out

* Tony Blair cover-up

Leaked documents reveal No 10 cover-up over Iraq invasion. 
by Richard Norton-Taylor

"Military commanders are expected to tell the inquiry into the Iraq war, which opens on Tuesday, that the invasion was ill-conceived and that preparations were sabotaged by Tony Blair's government's attempts to mislead the public.
They were so shocked by the lack of preparation for the aftermath of the invasion that they believe members of the British and US governments at the time could be prosecuted for war crimes by breaching the duty outlined in the Geneva convention to safeguard civilians in a conflict, the Guardian has been told.
The lengths the Blair government took to conceal the invasion plan and the extent of military commanders' anger at what they call the government's "appalling" failures emerged as Sir John Chilcot, the inquiry's chairman, promised to produce a "full and insightful" account of how Britain was drawn into the conflict.

Fresh evidence has emerged about how Blair misled MPs by claiming in 2002 that the goal was "disarmament, not regime change". Documents show the government wanted to hide its true intentions by informing only "very small numbers" of officials." 

Read the entire article at: 

* Gunaholics stock up

Photo from: New Yorker "Homicide may have a political dimension" (2)

Pistols, taser, assault rifles are selling like hot cakes at gun shows and fairs. Seems gunaholics are stocking up because they're afraid the Obama Administration will toughen gun ownership laws. But it's also a good opportunity for those with future violent tenancies to obtain a weapon. Without tougher gun laws, we will continue to have unstable people obtain lethal weapons too.  

"Some people buy cars, some people buy guns," said Donte, a 25-year-old security guard who refused to give his last name and who keeps half a dozen weapons at home, one of which was hanging from his belt. "You got underwear on every day, I got this every day... you know," he said pointing to his gun. Donte said he looks forward to getting his class 3 weapons license which will let him own a fully automatic weapon." (1)

Meanwhile, 30,000 people a year are killed by gunfire in the United States. 

(1) Pistols, Taser, assault rifles sell fast at US show

(2) Murder in America - by Jill Lepore - New Yorker

* Waraholic logic?

                         Joe Lieberman AP Photo from:

The waraholics can't seem to get the facts straight. Joe Lieberman on today's "Meet the Press" continues to spread his version of waraholic logic...."We need to stay in Afghanistan. We were attacked on 9/11 FROM Afghanistan." 

News alert to Joe Lieberman: 
(1) Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. NONE were Afghans. 
(2) 9/11 terrorists were trained in American flight schools. The training required to carry out 9/11 didn't require jumping over hurdles...the type of training obtained in "terrorist camps."
(3) The planes used in 9/11 departed from within the U.S, not FROM Afghanistan. 
(4) 9/11 terrorist attacks were not planned from Afghanistan, but from apartments all over Europe and on the Internet. OBL never admitted to the planning. He said he was "pleased with the attack." Bush never made public the connection between OBL and 9/11.
(5) There's no connection between the Taliban and 9/11. Granted, the Taliban have their human rights issues... but that doesn't connect them with 9/11. 
(6) No illegal Afghan WMD were used on 9/11. The weapons were made in box cutter factories in China...not made in Afghanistan.  

Saturday, November 21, 2009

* School of Americas protest

How timely...On Thurs, Nov 20 a "suspicious" note and package was found at Fort Benning, GA.

"Bob Purtiman says a soldier found the note and package Thursday morning in an outdoor gazebo. The soldier immediately told a supervisor, who called 9/11. Purtiman would not say what was in the note or what was in the package. He said authorities are investigating whether there is a viable threat against Fort Benning. He says security measures have been heightened in the mean time. "(1)

My note: So - THIS happens the day BEFORE a protest against The School of Americas at Fort Benning was to occur? Heightened security in place a day BEFORE?

See my related post dated Sun, Nov 8 "Terrorist School"

(1) Suspicious package found at Fort Benning - FOXNews

SOA Watch

* DIE for Waraholics?

         Photo by: Grove Pashley-Corbis
Would YOU give up YOUR life to protect a corrupt regime? Would YOU give up YOUR husband, wife, son, daughter in order to protect warlords, drug dealers? 

How can anyone now try to justify the war in Afghanistan? How can this Administration justify sending in more troops? Al-Qaeda is not in Afghanistan. They are all over the world. They don't NEED the caves of Afghanistan.

The Afghan people want their country back. Let the Taliban back... BACK? Heck.. after EIGHT years of war, they're STILL there.  From past history, THEY can curb the heroin traffic. THEY can handle that.  Looks like after EIGHT yrs of occupation, WE can't do that job.

And the beloved pipeline? FORGET it! The lives of our troops are worth MORE than a couple of trillion $$$ in the pockets of the waraholic money maggots.

* Illegal is I-L-L-E-G-A-L

There's a FaceBook page/group that calls themselves "I support Israel against her enemies".  They SUPPORT the continued illegal Israeli bulldozing of Palestinian homes on Palestinian land to build illegal Israeli settlements. This group say they must support Sara Palin because (in a recent interview with Barbara Waters),  she too supports this ILLEGAL settlement building.

Of course there are many other evangelical groups that support this continued illegal Israeli settlement building. They all cite Biblical reasons for this support. It begins with the covenant given to Abraham and God's decision to choose only ONE nation among the entire world to give his blessing. 

But the problem with these groups is....what they are supporting is I-L-L-E-G-A-L. It's similar to how many of these same evangelical "Christians" supported Bush's ILLEGAL "pre-emptive" war built on obvious LIES, fake, outdated plagiarized "evidence."

The international community sees these "Christians" and ask how these people, who profess to be God-fearing, holy and noble, possibly support ANYTHING based on evil, falsehood and is ILLEGAL? How can these "Christians" continue to support illegal wars and, in this case the killing of Palestinians and the destruction of Palestinian homes? Do these "Christians" not realize that some of those Palestinians are also Christian?

So...we have Christians "supporting Israel against her enemies".. but some of those "enemies" are themselves Christian. Perhaps it's about time to forget the self righteous, self-serving, religious hypocrisy. Trying to justify your wrongs by using verses from the Bible and by saying it's "OK" because the results will be "good".. won't work any more.  What you're doing is not a good witness to your faith and you're becoming the laughing stock of the world.   

* Afghanistan's big lie

            Malalai Joya Photo: The Taxi Takes On Terror
Malalai Joya was an Afghan politican who is getting some well deserved attention lately. She has been called the "bravest woman in Afghanistan." She did what President Karzi was afraid to do. She publicly denounced the warlords and war criminals in the Afghan parliament. "I am not sure how many more days I will be alive," Malalai Joya says quietly.

Malalai Joya: "You must understand that the government headed by Hamid Karzai is full of warlords and extremists who are brothers in creed of the Taliban. Many of these men committed terrible crimes against the Afghan people during the civil war of the 1990's." She goes on to say: "So far, Obama has pursued the same policy as Bush in Afghanistan. Sending more troops and expanding the war into Pakistan will only add fuel to the fire."(1)

Malalai Joya says Afghanistan's democracy is a big lie and America's involvement is making things worse.(2)
(1) The big lie of Afghanistan

(2) Malalai Joya on Afghanistan's big lie

* Tea party protest war tax?

US soldiers guarding opium fields in Afghanistan
Anyone who did not question the Bush Administration's rush for wars should have NO problem being asked to pay more taxes to PAY FOR their bloody adventures. Let's see how the tea party protestors react with a proposed tax increase to pay for the endless wars. 

In his interview with Bloomberg TV's Political Capital with Al Hunt," Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, proposed an additional income tax to the upper brackets to help pay for additional troops sent to Afghanistan.(1)

Close allies of President Obama have proposed a new war surtax for ALL Americans...and the writer of this article agrees with me..that this tax will help "to foot the bill for the cost of protecting opium fields in Afghanistan, paying off drug lords, and bribing the Taliban."(2) 

(1) Upper-Bracket Tax may be needed for Afghan war cost, Levin says

(2) Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban

* US against rights of children?

20 yrs ago the UN adopted a treaty aimed at protecting the rights of children around the world. It's been ratified by every country except the US and Somalia. President Obama has said that he wants to change that, but there is opposition in congress.
"Critics say the convention places the rights of children above their parents and is anti-family. Others cite sovereignty issues."
Human rights groups all over the world say these criticisms are unfounded. 

* Be a leader!

Obama must toss the bums in Treasury, end the wars, and start being a leader.
by Dave Lindorff  11-20-09

"If you are sitting in class taking a test, and you've chosen to sit amongst your bone-headed, slacker friends, don't turn to them for help when you can't figure out of any of the answers. They may all tell you the same thing, but they'll all be wrong." 

"That's the situation President Obama finds himself in today in the White House. Having surrounded himself with the very Wall Street con men who set up the crooked game that led to the current financial crisis and economic collapse, and finding that the lousy advice they have been giving him since last January has left the country still mired in deepening economic decline, with the banks still not lending and unemployment still mounting, and with growing signs that instead of bottoming out and starting to recover, the economy is threatening to fall a second time, to new lows and higher unemployment, Obama has turned to the same rotten advisors for answers."

"President Obama, aren't you tired of being an embarrassment to your friends and family? Aren't you tired of being mocked by your foes?"

"Come on. We're sick of your speeches! Suck it up, be a leader finally and kick some butt. Do something unconventional and daring. End the wars, bring the troops home, announce a huge jobs program, issue an executive order expanding the Medicare program, raise taxes on the wealthy to back where they were in the 1960s, and let's get the country moving forward again."

Read the entire article at:

Friday, November 20, 2009

* End the FED

Take action with us and end the FED this Nov 22nd 2009. Action groups are forming now. 

End the FED Network - Sound Money for America! Support HR 1207, 5.604 HR 8331

Thursday, November 19, 2009

* Afghanistan war is lost?

Fred Thompson - actor and former Republican Senator
Perhaps Fred Thompson should go back to acting. Talk about a flip, flop, flipper. On his radio show today he said that the war in Afghanistan is already lost because President Obama has made too many delays on making a decision about a troop surge. Tell us Mr Thompson...what do you expect to WIN? Everyone already knows there's no way to defeat terrorism there. Osama bin Laden is off the radar screen. The drug dealers are having a grand time rolling around in money because YOU and the rest of your war cronies didn't want to deal with the opium fields or deal with the corrupt Karzi government BEFORE you decided to drop bombs on innocent people in Iraq... But since the oil guys building their Trans-Afghan Pipeline need PROTECTION, THEY need the surge of troops. Is THAT the reason for your urgent call for a troop surge? 

Tell us the truth Mr Thompson, and then perhaps more people will take you seriously. The war in Afghanistan is not a fictional TV show.

Thompson: Afghanistan war "already lost"

* Israel lobby influence

This is a very difficult subject for Americans to talk about. This video is part of an episode of the Dutch documentary program "Tegenlicht" about the Israel lobby in the USA.

"This documentary (April 2007) was created as a result of the controversy created by Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israel Lobby" article. Featuring interviews with Mearsheimer, geostrategist Lawrence Wikerson, Richard Perle, historian and critic Tony Judt, John Hagee, former Congressman Earl Hilliard, Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch, Michael Massing and Daniel Levy."

Documentary 'The Israel lobby - the influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy

* New War Toy $$$

The waraholics will soon have a brand new toy. More than 11 million dollars is being spent to build a super dooper 30,000 lb bunker buster bomb, called the Massive Ordnance Penetrator.  It's purpose is for use on a future war with Iran. Millions of dollars..down the drain, that could have been spent instead for the good of human kind, to feed the hungry, build hospitals and schools. Instead, for millions of dollars we have better killing machines.

Will the so-called "patriotic" tea partiers raise their voices and protest against the spending of their taxes for new, improved war toys? Do they care?

Just think about it. A couple of guys didn't need or use illegal WMD. They went to the local Wal-Mart, bought a couple of cheap box cutters made in China to carry out their terrorist attack on 9/11. I'm sure the box cutters didn't cost them $11,000,000.