Monday, November 16, 2009

* Waraholics on the loose

                      Mitt Romney Photo from: The Curmudgeon

I hate to continue my harping on Mitt Romney, but he seems to be setting himself for continued ridicule. Perhaps in the future, AND because of his VERY LARGE financial backing, he will indeed be President of the U.S. After all, MONEY talks in American politics. 

But because of his religion (Mormon), many evangelical Christians suspiciously regarded him, during the Republican primaries, as on the same level as an atheist. But now Glen Beck, (another Mormon), seems to be clearing the path for Romney. Glen Beck is very popular, especially with those who claim to be evangelical Christians. These Christians are now S-L-O-W-L-Y losing their FEAR of someone following the Mormon theology and may be more inclined to vote for a Mormon in the 2012 elections. 

But getting back to harping on his recent speech criticizing President Obama, Romney said: "The President has held his job for 10 months but does not yet have a strategy.... What has he been doing that is more important than protecting the lives of the troops of which he is Commander-in-Chief?"

"Does not have a strategy?" .. And our former Commander-in-Chief HAD a strategy in Iraq? The Bush "strategy" for the Iraq invasion was that it would be short and sweet and that the Iraqis would greet us with flowers and candy. This "strategy" included protecting the Iraqi Oil Ministry buildings and oil wells, but allowing the looting of the rest of the country. 

The Bush waraholics "strategy" was to allow the American troops go into war with little or with  inadequate safety equipment... equipment to save their lives and prevent horrific injuries. 

Romney wants President Obama to make a hasty strategy decision on Afghanistan. But has it occurred to Romney that MAYBE President Obama's final decision may NOT be to escalate the war?  Horrors... now THAT would be a disappointment to the waraholics, like Mitt Romney.

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