Sunday, November 29, 2009

* Future attack?

                         Iran's Bushehr Nuclear plant Photo: PanOramio

Iran's Bushehr Nuclear plant should be working at full capacity by the end of March 2010. That means we should expect some "action" between now and March. The American MSM, in the days ahead, will be reporting more and more propaganda and "false flag attacks" to demonize Iran further than what it already is in the eyes of Americans. Don't be surprised. It's exactly what happened to the run up to the Iraq war. 

Don't expect to read anything about the Iranian gas or oil wells. Don't expect to hear anything about the Iranian pipeline running from Iran to Pakistan. Don't expect to hear anything about Iran's switching of it's oil revenue money from the US dollar to the Euro or it's creation of it's very own oil bourse. But do expect to hear more about "protecting freedom and democracy." That usually works well to get Americans support for a war or for a bombing strike. 

An Iranian bomb strike will most likely be carried out by Israel..a non signatory of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Israel has already threaten Iran. Iran IS a signatory of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. 

Joe Biden, Vice President of the US, in an ABC interview last July, has said that he "would refuse to condemn a potential Israeli strike". "We cannot dictate to a sovereign nation what it can and cannot do," Mr. Biden said. He added: "Israel has the right to to determine what is in its best interests."

The Times of London reported that at one point, Israel's secret plans to destroy Iranian uranium-enrichment facilities at Natanz included low-yield nuclear "bunker-buster" bombs - the first use of nuclear weapons since WWII. (1) It's a "let's use or nukes before you use your nukes waraholic mentality".

(1) Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran. (Jan 7, 2007)

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