Monday, March 29, 2010

*"Father" figures

                           Photo: The Ultimate Father figure/Relijournal

We have religious leaders all over the world representing ALL religions who profess to be holy people of their God, and yet do horrid perverse acts against innocent children. Who preach family values and yet cheat and lie in their married and sexual life. Who turn their eyes and voices away, pretending not to notice by refusing to speak out against obvious wrong doings of their fellow religious leaders.  Some of these wrongdoers say the "devil made me do it," but in reality they mock their God because…. they are HYPOCRITES of their faith. 

People tend to put their religious leaders on a pedestal. Some followers proclaim these "righteous" leaders as their mediator "father" between themselves and their heavenly "father." It's human nature to desire a father figure, who will spread their protective arms around them and protect them from the evil of the world...A father figure who will teach them the difference between good and evil. 

What happens when these human holy religious authority father figures turn out to be NOT so holy?  Will their followers question the doctrines and theology of their faith? Will there be major changes, or will things go on as normal, be covered up and continue as if nothing happened? One doesn't want to disappoint their authority figures, but what will happen when the authority figures themselves are a disappointment? Only time will tell. 

As human beings we are ALLOWED to question ALL authority figures, earthly and spiritual. 

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