Saturday, March 27, 2010

*Newt justifying violence

Since Congress’s health care debate, lawmakers have received countless death threats, had their buildings vandalized, have had white powder mailed to their offices, and have had to get police protection

Yesterday (March 25), former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA).. at a press conference in Atlanta organized to air Republican opposition to the health care bill that just passed. At one point, Gingrich was asked about the death threats and vandalism lawmakers who supported the bill have been receiving. 
GINGRICH: Just as there was no place for the kind of viciousness against Bush and Cheney, there’s no place for viciousness against Democrats…..I think the Democratic leadership has to take some moral responsibility for having behaved with such arrogance, in such a hostile way, that the American people are deeply upset….I think the Democratic leadership has to take some real responsibility for having run a machine that used corrupt tactics, that bought votes, that bullied people, and as a result has enraged much of the American people. And I think it’d be nice for President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid to take some responsibility over what their actions have done to this country.
Read the entire article at: 
Gingrich says Democrats "have to take some moral responsibility" - (March 26, 2010)

My thoughts: President Bush, his Administration, the Republican "war party," including waraholics like Newt Gingrinch, along with the Democrats who goose-stepped along with them, started an illegal, "pre-emptive," war built with lies. Isn't it about time Newt Gingrich call THEM out for THEIR WAR CRIMES? Shouldn't they, including himself, take some real responsibility for using corrupt tactics to start an illegal war… A war that has killed THOUSANDS of innocent, defenseless people who had NOTHING to do with terrorism or with 9/11?… A war that has resulted in the deaths of (as of today) 4,704 coalition troops. Among that number, 4,386 American men and women killed for LIES? Talk about being completely in denial! Hard to believe Newt Gingrich is called the "conservatives intellectual." 

Newt Gingrich: Government should allow some (more) terror attacks to remind us

Back in 1994, Susan Smith strapped her two sons into her Mazda and let it roll into a lake, drowning them. She had been having an affair, but the man she had been having it with didn't want her children. Newt Gingrich had this to say about her crime: 

"I think the mother killing her two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick society is getting and how much we have to have change," he said at the time. "I think people want to change, and the only way you can get change is to vote Republican." Gingrich: The Democrats are blamed for Susan Smith's crimes!
Newt Gingrich's extramarital affairs have been public knowledge for years. He frequently campaigned on family values issues. Better late than never, Newt Gingrich scandal

My thoughts: Republican spokesman and "intellectual" Newt Gingrich is calling for more insane violence and rage by trying to justify the HATE he and his fellow party members feel after their defeat. 

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