Saturday, March 27, 2010

*President Obama dodges

Helen Thomas on her one question for President Obama

Helen Thomas is the longest-serving member of the American press corps. She says that President Obama lost credibility with his answer to her question: "Mr President, do you know of any country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons?"
President Obama knows the answer. The answer is public knowledge. Israel has nuclear weapons. As seen here, President Obama dodged the question. Israel is not a signatory of the non-proliferation agreement. The billions of dollars of US tax money given to Israel is illegal under US law.

The foreign Assistance Act of 1961 -- amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of FAA) in 1976.  This Act bans US economic and military assistance and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections. 

This provision, amended, is now also contained in Section 101 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). 

Glenn Amendment (Section 670) was later adopted in 1977, and provided the same sanctions against countries that acquire or transfer nuclear reprocessing technology or explode or transfer a nuclear device.  This provision, as amended, is now contained in Section 102 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

Reasons to oppose US aid to Israel
(1) Israel Is Illegally Occupying Palestinian Land 
(2) Israel Systematically Violates the Human Rights of Palestinians 
(3) US Aid to Israel Violates the US's Own Laws 
(4) US Support for Israel's Military Threatens US Security and Global Stability 
(5) Israeli Settlements Are Illegal and Provocative 
(6) US Aid to Israel Does Not Make Israelis Safer 
(7) Israel Is an Exclusionary State 

"Dispute won't harm $3b. aid to Israel" - Key congresswoman advises PM not to "give away the store" in the midst of talks - (March 26, 2010)

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