Friday, December 25, 2009

* "Christians" want more WAR

                                           Iraqi baby boy in horror

To the disappointment to many American Christians, Armegendon hasn't occured yet. Many of those Christians mistakingly thought their support for the illegal war in Iraq would jump start the war of Armegendon...that would in turn usher in the return of Christ and the end of the world. Forget that the Iraq war was based on lies....They figured the end would justify the means. Since THAT didn't work, it seems NOW those "Christian" leaders want to find another route to push their bloody agenda.

"On December 10th a group calling itself the Christian Leaders for a Nuclear-Free Iran sent a letter to both political parties’ leaders in Congress as well as to the chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Relations committee. The letter, beginning "We write today as Christian leaders," preceded a December 15th vote in the House of Representatives in which 412 house members approved the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act of 2009, with only twelve votes opposed. The sanctions proposed by the House of Representatives and endorsed by the Christian leadership have correctly been seen by many as amounting to an act of war."

"The Christian Leaders’ letter was signed by many prominent evangelicals including Christians United For Israel founder John Hagee, Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Chuck Colson, Gary Bauer of American Values, and Richard Land. Land, who appears to be the driving force behind the letter, is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. There are also several Catholics among the thirty-seven signatories, which is surprising as the Vatican has repeatedly expressed its repugnance towards the ongoing conflict in the Middle East."

Read the entire article at:
Christians united for war

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