Friday, December 25, 2009

* Houthis targeted

                   Yemeni Houthis child displaced by war
As stated in my 2 posts both dated Sat. Dec 19, things are heating up in Yemen. This BBC article  states that "Yemen is the new frontier on the war on terror."
"......US intelligence agencies have determined that, along with Pakistan, Yemen is a key area on which to concentrate on al-Qaeda. More than 90 detainees still in America's Guantanamo Bay detention centre come from Yemen. That is nearly half the total. The US has invested some $70m (£40m) in military aid in Yemen in the past year, believed to include training, the use of drones and intelligence to pinpoint al-Qaeda camps and activity....."

Read the entire article at:
BBC News - Yemen: New fronier in US war on terror  

My notes:
1) Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Arab world
2) The insurgents, accused of fighting against the Yemen government are "Houthi," named after their late- leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.
3) The Houthis are critical of the Yemeni government. They say that they (Houthis) are not affliated with al-Qaeda and should not be lumped together with them. They say the Yemeni government is siding with the US government's "war on terror."
4) The Houthis say their position is DEFENSIVE against the attacks by the Yemeni army against their people.
5) The Houthis have never carried out terrorist acts against Westerners.

6) The captital of Yemen is Sana'a. The Yemen government receives "contributions" from Saudi Arabia and from the US.
7) The government of Sana'a(Yemen) relies on trafficking of drugs, weapons, and gas to Saudi Arabia and to other countries on the Horn of Africa. All those who side with the government are making money from these activities. Those who make the money (including those in Yemen National Guard) have the incentive to fight against the Houthis and against those in the south who are uprising again for independence.
8) Most of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, NOT from Afghanistan, Iraq or from Yemen.   
9) "The armed conflict is increasingly being fuelled by the power struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Since 2004, the Yemeni government has been accusing the Houthi rebels of being part of a wider Shia master plan that aims to spread the Iranian revolution. Yemeni authorities, however, have not been able to provide the international community with sufficient evidence and have often backtracked on some of their accusations." (1)
10) What's the REAL American "interests" in Yemen? $$$?

(1) Disorder on the border 

Voices of Yemenis displaced by war


  1. You ask: What's the REAL American "interests" in Yemen? $$$?

    Find the answer here:

    "The archetypal Saudi fear - which is scrupulously left unspoken due to its extreme sensitivity - is that the Houthi-dominated region of northern Yemen also borders Saudi Arabia's restive eastern province, which is Shi'ite (and oil-rich) and seething with resentment over Wahhabi intolerance."

    btw: Sa'dah is not yet the captital of Yemen which is called Sanaa. Sa'dah is the capital of Houthi movement.

  2. Marcel - thank you so much for your response. I need to do more research on this and get the capitals correct. Thanks for pointing it out!
