Thursday, December 31, 2009

* Future attack on Iran?

Three more months before end of March 2010. Three more months before Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant will be working at full capacity. Three more months to obtain American's unquestionable  support for an attack on Iran. Three more months to manipulate Americans to think a future attack on Iran seem as "protecting freedom" or some other flip flop flipping reason.

For the next three months you'll be seeing more and more "reports" by the MSM to demonize Iran. Today there is a report that claims five Britons were kidnapped from Iraq in May 2007 and that the "operation was led and masterminded by Iran's Revolutionary Guard."

At that time period David Petraeus was in charge of the multinational forces in Iraq. "He confided at the time of the abduction that he believed the men were being held in Iran." Asked about the involvement of Iran, he told the BBC: "I'm absolutely certain. I'm 90 per cent certain."
"When pushed further whether he had any solid foundation for the claim, Gen. Petraeus added" I'm pretty sure. I've seen hard intelligence on it."

My thoughts: This is all empty accusations... just like the many empty accusations we heard before the start of the Iraq war. One of the five abductees was actually recently released by his Iraqi captors. Timing.. timing... timing.. this story and it's slant was reported NOW three months before end of March 2010.. because the waraholics want another bloody war.

Read the entire story at: 
Peter Moore's kidnapping "was masterminded by Iran"

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