Saturday, December 12, 2009

* WMD hoax

Bush and Blair explain what proof they have of WMD. Photo source:

Don't expect the American MSM "go" with this story. Heaven forbid....It might "encourage" the American public  to put GW Bush on trial too. The British journalists and families of veterans have been pressing for Tony Blair's arrest and prosecution for warcrimes and with going along with GW Bush for an illegal war of aggression against Iraq. Tony Blair recently confessed he "would have invaded Iraq even WITHOUT evidence of WMD and would have found a way to justify the war to parliament and the public."

Bush and Blair pushed the WMD hoax on to the American and British public. The first flip flop reason why the Americans and the British supported the war was because THEY were AFRAID for THEMSELVES. Remember the horrifying image of the "mushroom cloud"? Close to 5,000 American and coalition soldiers went sent to kill and be killed for a WMD hoax, and GW Bush and Tony Blair KNEW all alone it was a hoax? 

A good informative book published in the UK in 2002 was: "WAR, what team Bush doesn't want you to know on IRAQ", by Scott Ritter and William Rivers Pitt. Scott Ritter was a former UN weapons inspector. Look at the published date again... 2002, a year before the start of the invasion in Iraq. This small 76 pg  book could not be found in the bookstores in the US. Heck - at that time you couldn't find ANY books in the US questioning Bush's rationale for going to war. Americans who questioned were called "unpatriotic," "anti-military," "on the side of the terrorist".  But NOW, since Jan 2009, questioning the President, especially a "black" president, is encouraged and even called "patriotic". It's great to protest and question, but WHERE have all you Tea Partiers been the past 8 years? Together we could have PREVENTED the deaths of THOUSANDS of troops and the deaths of THOUSANDS of innocent, defenseless people caught in the cross fires of L-I-E-S. 

The British are in the process of making public the lies their Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, told in the run up for and illegal war, WHY are Americans AFRAID to do the same? Are the British more brave than Americans? Are the British more inclined than Americans to want to PROTECT their country from lies and liars? Why are the British not AFRAID to face the TRUTH.. and Americans ARE afraid?

Tony Blair admits: I would have invaded Iraq anyway

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