Sunday, December 6, 2009

* God's Girl

               Cartoon: Cagle Cartoons

The Christian right must be ticked pink. Sarah Palin recently had dinner and prayer with famous evangelist, Rev. Billy Graham. To them this could mean only one thing.. that Sarah MUST be God's girl.

Rev. Billy Graham created his multimillion dollar empire by preaching all over the world and became famous by becoming the counselor and mediator between God and "God's representatives" on earth... our Presidents. Rev Graham loved politics. Rev Graham loved war. Every chance he got he encouraged Presidents to bomb, bomb, bomb and go to war with whatever country they perceived as  an "enemy". Recently he egged "born-again" President Bush on by saying that "Saddam Hussein was the antichrist."

Even though EVERYONE in the world knows that President Bush used outdated, fake, unproven, plagiarized so-called "evidence" to try to justify his illegal Iraq war...Rev. Billy Graham nevertheless has remained silent. Rev Graham made big mistakes with his advice, but has no regrets.  His good friend President Bush made mistakes, BIG mistakes, but also seems to have no regrets. The Iraq war was NOT God's war. Over 4,000 of our young men and women were sent to kill and be killed for a "holy and noble"mistake? Do the religious "right" really have a reason NOW to be PROUD "their girl" rubbed shoulders with Rev. Billy Graham? 

In no way do I mean for this post to be disrespectful to the elderly 91 yr old Rev Billy Graham. But through the years he mingled with and advised the political powers of our country. He must live with his "advice". This post is to show that it's perfectly OK to question all so-called "authority figures", whether they be family, political, and religious leaders. Sometimes they make life and death decisions that affect the world. Hopefully in the future we will learn from history and learn from the MISTAKES of these "authority figures", so we won't repeat those SAME mistakes over and over again?

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