Tuesday, December 15, 2009

* Rumination of lives

".......Terrible wars have been fought over the purpose of human existence. No one ever wins these wars and everyone who may have triumphed or survived at any period of time are now as gone as their victims. At the moment there are people winning and losing wars around the world. I should say that there is the appearance of people winning and losing wars because in many cases there has been no victor, just continuations of conflict. What is interesting is that, in most cases, one side has far superior firepower yet they are unable to prevail. In some cases they are actually losing, despite their arguments to the contrary."

"Maybe it’s not about winning and losing as much as it is to profit financially from the conflicts. The people who start the wars don’t fight in them. War is a very profitable business and perhaps we should see it as just that; not an unfortunate condition that is due to border disputes or the spread of a preferable ideology, religion or ancient racial hatred but due to economics. War is like any other industry. It creates jobs and markets and a cornucopia of opportunities for collective and personal enrichment. As long as you can get enough people together to fight them you’ve got a cash cow.".............."

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